Aria Del Africa
no word for worry
On an island in the Mergui archipelago outside Burma, the young speardiver Hook of the Moken sea-nomads wonders what the future holds.
1 x 60' or 1 x 89'
Production Company
Ten Thousand Images
Winner - Golden Chair Best Documentary - Norwegian Short Film Festival 2014 Winner - Best Cinematpgraphy - Nordics/Docs 2014 Winner - Auidence Award - Eurodok 2014 Winner - Impacts DOCS Awatd - Award of Excellence Documenatry Feature
Episode Information
On an island in the Mergui archipelago outside Burma, the young speardiver Hook of the Moken sea-nomads wonders what the future holds. He was raised with the ocean as his universe, learning to swim before he could walk. Today his indigenous lifestyle is under threat. His people have never held a national citizenship and have no legal rights. Hooks father, Jao lives in housing projects on the mainland and is one of the last remaining elders who still knows the ancient art of building Kabang boats – the key to their life and legacy. Spurred on by his ailing father, Hook has learned that if he can get to the few remote hidden tribes off the coast, he can perhaps get a tree to build his Kabang, with his father teaching the young. Hooks voyage pulls him deep into the mysterious and spiritual ocean realm of the Moken, and at the same time bring him face to face with “new” values from the modern world – because for them the concept of time and urgency don’t exist, and with no words for “mine”, “take” or “I want” – how can he fight for his rights? How does one face this future when in the Moken language there exists No word for Worry … ? Also available a 30' look behind the sceens of the making of this documentrary called Kindred Spirit. programmes