living with spirits
Living with spirits is a 2 part visual stunning tv series depicting the South East Asian inhabitants living their daily life with spirits and ghosts.
2 x 60'
Production Company
Peter Ringgaard
Episode Information
WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: This film contains graphic images. Viewer discretion is advised. Living with spirits is a 2 part visual stunning tv series depicting the South East Asian inhabitants living their daily life with spirits and ghosts. Set in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, China and Vietnam, the series will take the audience into an unknown, spiritual world that few people even know exists. Spirits and ghosts are deeply ingrained in South East Asian Buddhism. People don ´t take their presence lightly. Good spirits must be placated, or there will be severe consequences. Rituals, such as body piercing and other acts of self-mortification undertaken by mediums of the gods, are a way of connecting with spirits. Offering pigs or toys may ensure safety and protection. There are good spirits and bad spirits. They are all very real and everywhere. In forests, in rural villages, homes, or just howling through temples. Overriding their whims can be devastating. Disrespecting their sneezes, disastrous. Bad spirits and demons are darkness and feared. Mysterious illnesses and accidents are blamed on ghosts or bad spirits. Good spirits may heal and protect people from bad. Buddhism does not deny the existance of good and bad spirits. It accepts supernatural powers. Buddhism has always mingled with a complex tapestry of Hinduism, superstition and spirit worship. Temples are places of worship. Symbolizing five elements: Fire, Air, Earth, Water, and Wisdom. They include all kinds of structures called vihara, stupa, wat and pagoda and are set in cities, forests, lakes, on mountains or in rivers.