pythons and the exotic pet trade

Follow environmental photojournalist Aaron Gekoski as he investigates our relationship with one of the planet’s most popular exotic pets: ball pythons and discovers how they are making their way into our homes as pets.

programme information


1 x 60'

Production Company

Aaron Gekoski & Will Foster-Grundy for World Animal Protection





Episode Information

Since the dawn of time, snakes have fostered our fascination, playing a significant role in our most ancient stories. Once, only those with access to the supernatural were able to bond with these potentially deadly creatures. However, advances in modern animal husbandry, have since allowed us to indulge in our fascination for these symbolic animals. With that has come a global explosion in the use of snakes as pets; traded in their millions and bred without restriction to feed our demand for the exotic and the unusual. Follow environmental photojournalist Aaron Gekoski as he investigates our relationship with one of the planet’s most popular exotic pets: ball pythons. Traversing four continents, he witnesses sacred rituals, visits voodoo markets and joins expeditions into remote West Africa to discover how ball pythons make their way into the homes of pet owners, worldwide.

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