lion - africa's super power

The most social of all cats, lions form prides to hunt, raise their young and defend their territory. Life on the plains is never easy, but lions can always count on the power of the pride.

programme information


1 x 60'

Production Company

Doclinghts GmbH / NDR Naturfilm





Episode Information

The endless plains of East Africa is lion country. An abundance of food and water make this a paradise for lions. The most social of all cats, lions form prides that are unlike any other animals. Together, they’ll hunt, raise their young and defend their territory. Life on the plains is never easy, but lions can always count on the power of the pride.

With such a close family and plentiful home, the pride welcomes new babies every year. But new children introduces new dangers. With heated pride disputes not uncommon the pride is no place for cubs; lionesses will leave her peers to give birth in thick foliage cover. For their first eight weeks she will be their bodyguard, chef and mentor. Such vulnerable charges are always at risk, and the mother will have to keep a constant vigil if her cubs are to survive and return to the pride.

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