wolves - power of the pack

Wolves: icons of the wilderness, spectacular creatures that live and die by the sword.

programme information


1 x 60'

Production Company

Doclights GmbH / NDR Naturfilm





Episode Information

From arctic tundra to the great planes, the kingdom of the wolf extends across the entire northern hemisphere. They are icons of the wilderness, spectacular creatures that live and die by the sword. Though magnificent predators on their own, the feature that perhaps makes wolves so iconic is the pack. The close bonds, complex communication and sheer muscle of a team of wolves is almost unstoppable. And the pack’s not just the day job, it’s the cornerstone of family life for a wolf. With numbers on their side, wolves can tackle giant prey the like of which a lone wolf would stand a chance against. They have proven to be endlessly adaptable, and despite thousands of years of human interference and habitat reduction, their legacy lives on. One thing’s for sure – the success of all wolves is down to the power of the pack!

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