spots and stripes

Spots and stripes adorn some of the most iconic animals in the natural world, handing them their unique and majestic beauty.

programme information


1 x 60'

Production Company

Doclights GmbH / NDR Naturfilm





Episode Information

Why be plain and boring? Nature seldom is. An A to Z of animals, anteater to zebra, adorn themselves in a dramatic variety of spots and stripes. Many look like the work of fashion designers, but these dramatic styles have life-saving applications. Whether spots or stripes, markings can be used for anything from warnings and communication to camouflage and even cooling. What look like standout fashion statements to us can help animals vanish completely into a landscape. The design possibilities are endless, and vary to suit the terrain and geography. Whatever their remarkable uses, spots and stripes adorn some of the most iconic animals in the natural world. Camouflage or decoration, we can thank both spots and stripes for handing these creatures their unique and majestic beauty. Whatever the pattern, the results are spectacular!

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