life in the carpathians

Shrouded in primeval forests is a hidden, lost world... The largest unbroken wilderness in Europe... The Carpathian Mountains...

programme information


4 x 60'

Production Company

Arolla Film





Episode Information

Wildlife in Europe is endangered as never before. At the continent heart lies the Carpathian Mountain range and their last refuge. Here stand the most primeval forests ever preserved - home to the largest population of bears, wolves and lynx, as well as an immense biodiversity of other species. The Carpathians are as important to Europe as the Amazon rainforest is to our whole world.

Fauna and flora together create an ecosystem that stores water, absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and protects the diversity of life in the most efficient way. But, today, threat from human intervention looms. Roads are being carved into the valleys and old-growth forests are cut down. In Romania alone, more than 110,000 hectares of primeval forest has been destroyed in the last 15 year.

Europe’s last wilderness is dying, and we must do everything to protect it.

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