Victoria And Albert: The Wedding
HISTORY 2 x 60'
mysterious hanging coffins of china
This archaeological thriller follows the scientific race to unravel the mysterious coffins, and the challenge to preserve what remains from half a millennium ago.
1 x 60'
Production Company
Bang Productions/NHK
Episode Information
Since 1999, China’s leading explorer, How Man Wong, and his organization, CERS (The China Exploration and Research Society) have been trying to save the last vestiges of a lost tribe of China. They were a civilisation who buried their dead in wooden coffins hanging precariously off the side of cliffs in the Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces. Their efforts are a race against time as the coffins are now more endangered then ever: pollution and encroaching urbanization compete with modern day grave robbers to destroy these precious artefacts. This archaeological thriller follows the scientific race to unravel the mysterious coffins, and a challenge for How Man and CERS as they continue to preserve what remains of the enigmatic civilization from half a millennium ago.