Riding The Ocean Dragon
SCIENCE 1 x 60'
science of summer
Summer is about the beach, right! But there's a lot of science behind it, too. We look into the science of sunburn and the reason you get a headache when you try to cool off with an ice cream. We uncover why millions of people call summer their favourite time of the year.
1 x 60'
Production Company
LMNO Productions
Episode Information
Summer is about the beach, relaxation and fun. But there's a lot of science behind it, too. In the northern hemisphere, it all begins on or near 22 June. During this season, sunlight hits the earth at a more direct angle causing the temperature goes up. That's why the powerful rays of the sun are felt more strongly in the summer than any other season. We look into the science of sunburn and the reason you get a headache when you try to cool off with an ice cream. We consider the science of waves, and the aerodynamics of beach sports! School may be out but that doesn't mean the learning is over; we uncover why millions of people call summer their favourite time of the year.