Dangerous World
SCIENCE 3 x 60'
tools of the trade
Tools of the Trade reveals how the machines and equipment that build roads, tear down buildings, beat roaring infernos and bust criminals really work, from the inside out, showing them in jaw-dropping action.
4 x 60'
Production Company
Jupiter Entertainment
Episode Information
Tools of the Trade is as gritty and adventurous as the work it profiles. Through in-the-field documentary interviews and demos, action-packed footage and high-tech graphics, we'll get the low-down on all kinds of tools and the work they do; their design, how they're made and they're used to get the job done. This four part high-energy series yanks us into the real world of real men going to work! We expolre oil platforms and icebreakers, coalmins and demolition sites. We go on location with the crews using powerful and specialised tools. Each episode takes viewers on a difficult and often dangerous mission, and gives them hands-on, detailed information on the tools it takes to complete it. Whether it's demolishing a baseball staduim or building miles of interstate highway, no job is too tough, and no tool is too complicated to handle. In gripping documentary style, the show takes us behind the scences in these exciting, often dangerous worlds. Concrete pulverizers, steel shredders, Kevlar body armourm, pile hammers, asphalt grinders, stun guns, water cannons, wrecking balls, infra-red Lasers - special tools for special jobs. From demolition crews to SWAT team members, and from ship-breaking to reoad building, every job is defined by the tools used to do it!